I have done a lot of reading and research in my quest for a green lifestyle; and although I have made great strides in my efforts, I still have several changes I want to incorporate into my everyday living!
Here are a few things you can do to make your life simpler, healthier and more eco-friendly:
- Cancel newspaper and magazine subscriptions that you don’t have time to read.
- Cut down on the amount of disposable products you use such as coffee filters and bottled water. Using a washable coffee filter and a filtered water pitcher reduces waste and is better for the planet! For water on the go, fill a recycled water bottle with water from your filtered pitcher.
- Load your dishwasher to capacity; you won’t have to run it as much. And, run the dishwasher (and washing machine) in the evenings or at night! It reduces the amount of energy you use.
- Dry two loads of clothes at once rather than a single load! Energy savings!
- Don’t wash linens as often! Bath towels, wash cloths, sheets, etc. don’t have to be changed every day!
- Keep your air/heat on a consistent temperature! Keep blinds/shutters closed in the summer to keep heat and sunlight out; open in the winter to let the sunlight in!
- Use table lamps rather than overhead lighting! Less energy used, and the bulbs are easier to change!
- Keep toxins and chemicals out of your home and out of your body! Eat more veggies, fruits and whole grains, and less processed foods!
- Take control of your health—read and research as much as you can about a “health” issue, i.e. allergies, sinus, etc.
- Recycle, recycle, and recycle!
- Make use of the “stuff” in your home, or get rid of it!
For more information and tips on “green” living, put these books on your reading list:
Simplify Your Life, Elaine St. James; Clean, Green & Lean, Dr. Walter Crinnion; Green Cleaning, Publications International, Ltd.; The Sinus Cure, Debra Fulghum Bruce, Ph.D. and Murray Grossan, M.D.

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